Wednesday, April 9, 2008

With Thanks

Ok, Tera Luedde, I just have to tell you publicly that YOU ARE THE BOMB! For the rest of you, who have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm talking about, read this excerpt from an email Tera just sent out to 300 friends, colleagues, students, neighbors, playgroup parents...etc., etc.:

"One of my very best friends, Kimmelin Hull whom I met when I lived in Pittsburgh, PA, has done what most of us only dream about. She has written an amazing book/memoir about her life as a stay-at-home mother of three children under the age of 5.
I was honored and had the pleasure of being able to read her manuscript a few months ago. It is absolutely BRILLIANT! First of all, I was shocked, because when the manuscript arrived in the mail I opened it and read the letter Kimmelin enclosed asking that I read it. I almost fell over. How could one of my very best friends write a book and not even tell anyone she was writing it while being a mother to 3 children under the age of 5? How in the world did she have the time, energy, and brain cells to do it? Needless to say, that next day while flying to Seattle for work I read the entire manuscript. I laughed out loud, cried, and was in awe of my friend. (the guy next to me in the plane asked if I was "OK" since I was laughing and crying, and I told him I was reading one of the best books ever written.)
I couldn't have asked for a greater vote of confidence.

And while I'm at it, Tera's not the only one turning the tides on this book. Andrew, Liz, Mom...your support in helping me get this book out there has gone far and beyond what "devotion" can accurately describe. The depth of my thanks is unlimited.

Now, I will stop before I embarrass myself, or anyone else. But really, truly. THANK YOU.

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