Thursday, April 17, 2008

This just might be the best Thursday in my entire life!

Note to reader: please indulge me by imagining me jumping up and down on a couch while screaming, screeching and hollering the following:


I could have kissed the UPS man, had he not scurried off in such a hurry after dropping the brown, cardboard package on my doorstep this morning...knocking twice, as always, as if the contents of that particular package, on this particular day, were not extraordinary and precious as gold. I could have kissed my publisher too, for speed delivering the book to me this week. Amazingly enough, I managed en
ough self control to WAIT TO OPEN THE PACKAGE until I could drive to my husband's office, and open it up with him. My kids, meanwhile, couldn't understand why Mommy kept jumping about and using an outside voice, inside the house, about the package in my hands.
I have come to realize, in the life of a writer, there are a few key moments that are simply incomparable to any other life event: 1) the first time your work is accepted by an editor and you see your name in print. 2) the first time you land a book publication deal. 3) the first time you receive a copy of your completed book.

I will keep you all posted on when/how/where you can order your own copy of
A Dozen Invisible Pieces. Watch for another post tomorrow for the scoop...

Today, life feels just a little bit like Shangri La...


Stacey said...

Congrats on your success! I will check back in tomarrow to find out where I can get a copy!

Heather said...

Congrats to you! I'd have been jumping on the couch too :)

Mr Lady said...