Monday, March 10, 2008

Audio, Anyone?

I have a whole new appreciation for books on tape actors. Reading aloud with intonation and precision is not an easy task. If it was, I suppose the Toastmasters organization would be defunct.

With the guidance of my ever-amazing, tech-savvy husband, (he is sitting beside me right now putting on the final touches) I have recorded a selection of readings from the book and placed it on the Experience the Book section of my website.

Having always been a reader who was curious to know how an author would intone his or her own work, I hope this added feature to the web site will satisfy others' curiosity, and peak further interest in the contents of
A Dozen Invisible Pieces. Follow this link, if you want to hear an excerpt:

Thanks to everyone who takes a few minutes to listen! And as always, if you like what you heard, forward the link to this blog or to the website, on to those you know who would also be interested.

Now, go pick up a book, and snuggle in for a good read.

1 comment:

Moms Who Vax said...

Hi Kimmelin,
Thank you for directing me to your wonderful website. Andrew is a web wizard. And you look absolutely stunning in the photograph. You're beautiful!